How to clean batch job history in dynamics 365?

if you have multiple batch job in your application , you need to clean history periodically.

you can clean history for all jobs or clear history one by one or custom based on you demand as the following

1- to clean one by one 

go to system administration / inquires / batch jobs

select your job and click batch job history

mark all records and click delete

click yes to confirm delete history

2- to clean history for all jobs

go to system administration / periodic tasks /batch job history clean up

set limit history days to clean older this limit
you run cleaning in background in batch group to avoid any performance issue for working hours

3- custom batch job history clean up  

you can filter on specific job or any criteria based on your demand

go to system administration / periodic tasks /batch job history clean up (custom)

click filter button to set your criteria

click ok.
