How to setup auto charges for sales order in dynamics 365?

Auto charges functionality is very powerful in Dynamics 365

you can assign auto charges for main level or lines level based on your needs 

1- activate auto charges for sales order :

Go to account receivable/setup/account receivable parameters /prices tab as the below

you must activate find auto charge for header and  find auto charge for lines 

2-create your charges codes 

Go to account receivable/ charges setup/charges codes 

3- create customer charges group

Go to account receivable/ charges setup/customer charges group

4-create mode of delivery 

Go to sales and marketing/setup/distribution/mode of delivery 

5-create item charges group

Go to account receivable/ charges setup/item charges group

6-assign customer charges group /item -customer group and mode of delivery for customers 

Go to account receivable/all customers

7-assign item charges group for items 

go to product information management/ released product

8-setup auto charges 

Go to account receivable/ charges setup/auto charges

A-header: to create auto charges for sales order header 
B-line: to create charges per item line 

Account code :
A-table to set up specific customer for this charges
B-group to set up charges customer group as attached to point 6
C-All to set up this charges for all customers 

Item code :
A-table to set up specific item for this charges
B-group to set up charges item group as attached to point 6
C-All to set up this charges for all items

Mode of delivery code :
A-table to set up specific mode of delivery for this charges
B-group to set up charges mode of delivery  group as attached to point 6
C-All to set up this charges for all modes of delivery 

*you can set up charges with different currency and you can assign multiple charges codes 

*every charge code may be fixed or percentage based on your demand

*for header charges  only you can assign from amount and to amount 

In the case where the created sales order contains data that matches the criteria of the auto charge setup, the charge code will be applied automatically.  


  1. Thanks for this post!

    I am trying to set up an auto charge for Lines with the following relations:
    Customers: All
    Items: Group
    Mode of Delivery: Group

    It seems this setup is not allowed, either the Item or the MoD needs to be set to All, AX resets it automatically if you try to select both as a Group.

    Do you have any explanation why this is the case? What would be the logic behind?

    I tested both in AX2012 R3 and D365O 7.3

    Thanks in advance.

  2. If I set up by line, and I have Quatity 2. How can I get two time the auto charges?

  3. Do you know if it is possible to bulk import automatic charges (lines) ?

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