how to use security diagnostics for task recording in dynamics 365?

In AX 2012 we have Security Development Tool, for more details  Link

Unfortunately, it’s not available in the current version and replaced by another useful tool called Security diagnostics tool.

In the previous Post, we talked about using Task recording and how it works. 

also, I talked about the  security from visual studio before in this post
Today, how to use this recording in security diagnostics tool?

firstly, we can create new Test role like "CreateCustomer"

1-create security role 

go to system administration / security/security configuration 

and click create a new role as "CreateCustomer"

go to unpublished objects tab and click publish all or select your role and click publish selection

note // you can not assign this role for the user until publish 

2- import user Test 

go to system administration/users/users

and click import user 

click edit to assigns CreateCustomer role security to user Test

click add roles and select CreateCustomer and click ok, then save 

3- import the recording 

go to system administration/security/security diagnostics for task recording  

as we mention in this post , you can save your recording to your pc or lifecycle services LCS 

already I save this recording to my PC and I will open it to grant permission for Test User 

browser your file and click open 

after importing your file, select the user Test 

click add reference to add the missing permission 

in this form, you can see the list of security objects that grant the active security entry point.

so, you can add a role to this user as the below 

or add duty to the assigned CreateCustomer  role 

select user test and  CreateCustomer role 

click OK

if you go to security configuration again, you can see this duty published to the role 

you can see more details about Security diagnostics here
also, you can check this LINK  to create roles from scratch in dynamics 365.

