How to activate electronic signature in Dynamics 365?

Dynamics 365 implement electronic signature like AX 2012.

In this blog, I will show Setup and the effect of electronic signature.

A- Setup

 1- Go To Organization administration/Setup/Electronic signature/Electronic signature parameters.

you can enable require comments to force users into entering comments and select who alert in the signature alert recipient drop box 

notice:: it will be shown to the user when he signs the document (we can see in the transaction later)

also, you can setup timeout for this signature with seconds 

if you need to use different languages notice, you can setup translation 

just click translation and click new.

you can select language and enter notice 

2- Go To Organization administration/Setup/Electronic signature/Electronic signature reason codes.

click new and assign code and description for the reason 

3- Go To Organization administration/Setup/Electronic signature/Electronic signature requirements.

Click new and assign a name to select the table and field that you need to activate signature 
you can enable signature required.

when to require a signature:: you can set always or only 

for only:: (you must select the action like insert/update/delete )

4- Go To system administration/users/users. 

select user that you need to activate electronic signature 

and click user options then click account tab
signature enabled and the valid certificate is a must 

Select “Get certificate” and pick a password. 

also, you can designate approver 


1-Go to accounts receivable /customers /all customers

select your customer and view details to edit 

change the credit limit for the customer and click save, the system asks you to sign the document

notice that we set up before coming here and comment is required based on the previous setup..etc

just select a reason and add your comment to complete changes 

enter the password and click ok to sign the document 

click OK to recalculate the credit limit 

1-Go option tab and click record info to see the database log for this record 

clcik database log to see all details like signer and the previous value,...etc

click history tab to see all field that changed 



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  5. Sigsync Office 365 Email Signature software allows you to have full control over your organization’s email signatures such that you can efficiently raise your company brand and stay compliant with company-wide email signatures always.
    This secure web-based email signature service lets you to create email signature centrally and manage all users in your organization sending email across any device.
    With Sigsync Office 365 Email signature software you can
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    • Add profile images directly in your email signatures such that it will display the image to the appropriate recipient
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