How to Create customer/vendor template in Dynamics 365?

This is function is very useful for data entry users, it is similar to AX 2012

for Customer

you can access accounts receivable/customers /all customers

select your customer that you need to make it as a template

Go to options tab and click record info

click user template

assign name and description then click ok

now when you create a new customer, you can find this template as the below

just assign customer account and name and the other data pulled from the template

As The same for vendor

you can access accounts payable/vendors /all vendors

select your vendor and click record info in the options tab

click user template then  assign name and description

when you create a new vendor, you can select this template

you can assign account number and name, the other information pulled from the template



  1. Thanks for providing an information.
    Could you please let me know where I can find user created template?
    I am not able to find user created template in "Record template" form.

    Sanjay Gupta

  2. Thanks for the information.
    I have custom Form which has the CusTable as datasource. I followed your steps and I'm able to see the list of templates but nothing happens when I press the OK button after selecting the Template. What do you think is happening ?


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